How many made to introduce new products. One way that Chevrolet is applied through the film. Through the Transformers II The newest products is introduced. Products introduced through fil Paramount Pictures production is Corvette Stingray car, Chevrolet Volt E-Ray, Beat and Trax, of course New Chevrolet Camaro. "They portray robot heroes figures from the earth guard robot criminals who came from space, Deception," said Marketing & Public Relation Director of GM India, as the holder of the Chevrolet brand in India, to okezone, Friday (26/6/2009) Corvette Stingray concept which has a smooth design and futuristic charismatic portrayal SIDESWIPE, design is influenced by the design of the original Stingray Race Car, which was introduced in the year 1959. However, retaining and not forget the heritage lines other Corvette generation. This makes the GM Corvette designers believe that design futuristic vessel Stingray sports car of the future image of the thick air space. Character-based Beat and Trax each portray SKIDS and MUDFLAP, still appear intact with the design concepts introduced in the New York Auto Show in 2007-just a different paint colors plus different exterior accessories as sweetener.Although the car-they are small, efficient car, but when changed to fighter robot, equipped with their full strength. Autobot other car is a Chevrolet tercanggih be devoted to the world, the Chevrolet Volt as a JOLT. Volt will start massively marketed in 2011 is shown in Transformers II with the production design. Volt is an extended range electric vehicle with roaming capability by using only Battery (electricity propulsive pure) as far as 64 kilometers and able to reach several hundred kilometers when the battery runs out with the help Voltec Power Train system.
of course, the Autobot team will not be complete without the Bumblebee by All New Chevrolet Camaro is cloured yellow-based model of production in 2010. With the new design velg and appear in the model SS Performance 'New Chevrolet Camaro as if the hint, that appear in the Bumblebee Transformers II in action with this stylish and more powerful than ever before. (uky)
June 27, 2009
Chevrolet introducing newest product in transformer II
Posted by Kyosama at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: automotive, chevrolet, movies, Transformer II
June 24, 2009 bisa konek...instal ulang
Udah sejak 2 hari lalu koneksi internet ku putus, yang kukira karena virus conficker, soalnya memang pernah terkena, walaupun sudah dibersihkan tetapi tetep juga ga pernah bisa konek nih speedy ku, udah diapa-apakan sama saja, padahal udah menurut buku manual, hasilnya tetep nihil :(, akhirnya hari senin, aku telpon layanan 147 tapi hanya sedikit membantu, kupanggil teman ku yang jago IT setelah lama mengutak-atik juga akhirnya menyerah, padahal sudah menelpon teknisinya juga, akhirnya kuputuskan pinjem modem teman yang sudah ga kepake lagi, ternyata settingannya ga sama dengan punyaku, dan akhirnya bisa lagi sekarang walaupun ga stabil, tinggal ngatur aplikasi yg berantakan gara-gara instal ulang & mengkonfirmasi pihak speedy buat ganti modem.
Eh ternyata tadi sore abis googling, dengan keyword "error connection" ,akhirnya menemukan kasus dalam sebuah blog yang sama dengan modem-ku, setelah putus asa dengan modem tetangga (merknya JKnetwork loh...)yang sering diskonek, akhirnya ada saran "hard reset" di blog itu, trus aku coba kembali kemasan modem huawei smartAX itu dan memasangnya lagi, dengan harapan siapa tahu bisa lagi, ga sengaja antara bagian port RJ11 dan RJ45 terdapat tulisan "RESET", hmm tampaknya ini mirip dengan colokan darurat pada optical drive, akhirnya aku pasang lagi tuh modem, pasang semua kabel, nyalakan, masuk ke webconsole dan colok tuh lubang reset pake obeng kecil dan 1st tes, akhirnya.....berhasil, hore!! :), thank god for your help and give me a patient...dan ga jadi nukar modem hihihi..
Eh ternyata tadi sore abis googling, dengan keyword "error connection" ,akhirnya menemukan kasus dalam sebuah blog yang sama dengan modem-ku, setelah putus asa dengan modem tetangga (merknya JKnetwork loh...)yang sering diskonek, akhirnya ada saran "hard reset" di blog itu, trus aku coba kembali kemasan modem huawei smartAX itu dan memasangnya lagi, dengan harapan siapa tahu bisa lagi, ga sengaja antara bagian port RJ11 dan RJ45 terdapat tulisan "RESET", hmm tampaknya ini mirip dengan colokan darurat pada optical drive, akhirnya aku pasang lagi tuh modem, pasang semua kabel, nyalakan, masuk ke webconsole dan colok tuh lubang reset pake obeng kecil dan 1st tes, akhirnya.....berhasil, hore!! :), thank god for your help and give me a patient...dan ga jadi nukar modem hihihi..
Posted by Kyosama at 10:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: internet, komputer, speedy unlimited, virus komputer
June 21, 2009
Celeron processor in the common
Low quality processor, so people are very general comments about the IT Celeron processor, the vast majority of Indonesia's typical rate if anything new is known, the only negative they may be glued on the pentium brand that often appears in TV ads and magazines, although now have to change with core2 quad duo/core2 and current Intel Core i7. Indeed, it celeron processor is less vigorous compared to the Pentium dual core or even, because the processor is intended for day-to-day performance of the light, for example, office applications, watching DVDs, browsing the Internet. The most bizarre, they (the very common IT) spek even ask the PC, the only application for office!, And if all the processors are only used for office I do not feel the difference, including a high performance, this is not redundant in terms of costs and needs and the most extravagant this problem is (mostly) government agencies, such as this phenomenon is also felt by shop owners subscribed my PC, also help when I buy a laptop celeron berprosesor to what, his girlfriend that even grumble, saying, celeron is ugly, it turion64 AMD (that is if I can not deny), but the girlfriend just need a day-to-day performance, as teachers, and office applications, especially, of course, tailored to the funds that have, if want better performance add just the RAM only.
Made by the Intel Celeron, based on the pentium and now "core" with the reduction of features, especially on the L2 cache, for example, if you have a pentium 1 MB L2 cache, the Celeron only has a half only, so the class value Celeron processor, originally based on "core "is reduced to its features, and Sempron (2005) is a rebrand of the the legendary Athlon XP, so naming this feature in addition to the reduction of the rebrand also discontinue the processor, as well as trade tricks and remember, a company will not make a product that will drop the name of the company itself.
Intel will stopping product immediately,the single-core product and concentrate on its dual core and start the multi-core era, not so soon Celeron single core but dual core again. Celeron and pentium the output current is the current Intel-based core is reduced to its features. There is also a celeron is not qualified?
Made by the Intel Celeron, based on the pentium and now "core" with the reduction of features, especially on the L2 cache, for example, if you have a pentium 1 MB L2 cache, the Celeron only has a half only, so the class value Celeron processor, originally based on "core "is reduced to its features, and Sempron (2005) is a rebrand of the the legendary Athlon XP, so naming this feature in addition to the reduction of the rebrand also discontinue the processor, as well as trade tricks and remember, a company will not make a product that will drop the name of the company itself.
Intel will stopping product immediately,the single-core product and concentrate on its dual core and start the multi-core era, not so soon Celeron single core but dual core again. Celeron and pentium the output current is the current Intel-based core is reduced to its features. There is also a celeron is not qualified?
June 20, 2009
Masang speedy unlimited
Udah genap seminggu, aku berlangganan speedy unlimited, asalnya sih dari kejenuhan berinternet pake dial up yang bertarif mahal dan komputer warnet yang spek-nya tidak memuaskan walaupun koneksinya cukup bagus.
Seminggu yang lalu, aku bareng teman jalan-jalan ke FKI di DP mall semarang, iseng-iseng survei provider internet, pada mulanya sih tertarik pada jenis wireless, tapi setelah liat brosur tentang tarifnya, aku terus pikir-pikir lagian harga modemnya juga lumayan mahal kemudian aku mencoba keliling lagi dan lihat-lihat X banner telkomspeedy, ga disangka salesnya datang menghampiri kami berdua dan menjelaskan bla..bla...bla. tentang multi speed, sebenarnya aku kurang sreg dengan tarif yang mereka tawarkan 1 mbps dengan 50 jam denagn tarif IDR 145 ribu, dengan penambahan IDR 25/ menit kalau melewati, wah terang ga cocok dengan maniak download seperti aku, trus ada yang 384Kbps tapi ada unlimited dengan kuota 3 gb denga tarif IDR 195 ribu, tapi setelah melebihi kuota akan turun menjadi 128 kbps, setelah dipikir-pikir mendingan pilih yang ini aja, walaupun ga terlalu cepat tapi lebih cepat daripada telkomnet tapi bisa internetan “sak udele dewe”, lagian juga masih bisa dipake download lumayan cepat hehehehe.
Setelah semua administrasi beres, pada hari sabtu teknisinya datang dan memasang modem, oh ya modemnya ga bisa milih dan kudu pasrah dengan bawaannya speedy, kalo aku dapat yang Huawei smartAX, setelah semua beres dan akhirnya aku bisa online, online nya langsung tancap gas seharian, sekalian buat in run; download MP3 sebanyak-banyaknya, kebanyakan sih albumm symphonic rock berbahasa jepang kesukaanku, hasilnya baru 5 hari aja langsung mencapai separuh kuota, setelah itu kukurangi aja hobi ku ini, buat facebook an aja dan diskusi di forum penyiar kesayangan di webgaul aja, download-nya akhir bulan aja sekalian buat ngabisin kuota :)
Seminggu yang lalu, aku bareng teman jalan-jalan ke FKI di DP mall semarang, iseng-iseng survei provider internet, pada mulanya sih tertarik pada jenis wireless, tapi setelah liat brosur tentang tarifnya, aku terus pikir-pikir lagian harga modemnya juga lumayan mahal kemudian aku mencoba keliling lagi dan lihat-lihat X banner telkomspeedy, ga disangka salesnya datang menghampiri kami berdua dan menjelaskan bla..bla...bla. tentang multi speed, sebenarnya aku kurang sreg dengan tarif yang mereka tawarkan 1 mbps dengan 50 jam denagn tarif IDR 145 ribu, dengan penambahan IDR 25/ menit kalau melewati, wah terang ga cocok dengan maniak download seperti aku, trus ada yang 384Kbps tapi ada unlimited dengan kuota 3 gb denga tarif IDR 195 ribu, tapi setelah melebihi kuota akan turun menjadi 128 kbps, setelah dipikir-pikir mendingan pilih yang ini aja, walaupun ga terlalu cepat tapi lebih cepat daripada telkomnet tapi bisa internetan “sak udele dewe”, lagian juga masih bisa dipake download lumayan cepat hehehehe.
Setelah semua administrasi beres, pada hari sabtu teknisinya datang dan memasang modem, oh ya modemnya ga bisa milih dan kudu pasrah dengan bawaannya speedy, kalo aku dapat yang Huawei smartAX, setelah semua beres dan akhirnya aku bisa online, online nya langsung tancap gas seharian, sekalian buat in run; download MP3 sebanyak-banyaknya, kebanyakan sih albumm symphonic rock berbahasa jepang kesukaanku, hasilnya baru 5 hari aja langsung mencapai separuh kuota, setelah itu kukurangi aja hobi ku ini, buat facebook an aja dan diskusi di forum penyiar kesayangan di webgaul aja, download-nya akhir bulan aja sekalian buat ngabisin kuota :)
Posted by Kyosama at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: ADSL, huawei SmartAX, internet, komputer, speedy unlimited
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