September 28, 2009

Why Not to Eat at front Computer

When the work piled up, you'll often have to eat in front of the computer. These bad habits do you have to get rid of. Any busy work, take time to enjoy your lunch. Because not only have an effect on eating habits are not healthy but also makes your food contaminated with many bacteria.

You must not realize that the keyboard that you use there are thousands of bacteria. We put the food in front of the keyboard, then you type it, these bacteria could be thrown into the food you eat.

The keyboard is one of the dirtiest office equipment and rarely cleaned. There is even research that shows if the bacteria found on the keyboard more than the bacteria found in the toilet. So, do not take risks with eating in front of the computer, because the harmful bacteria from the keyboards can contaminate food and can make you sick.

Not only that, the remaining or spilled food crumbs very tempting spread animal diseases such as mice, cockroaches and flies. Can you imagine if your table, a favorite place these animals because a lot of food. You'll get a virus animal-borne diseases each day.

It is important to keep cleaning your desk for work place each day. Do not just rely on the office cleaners, to clean the table. Every now and then clear the table the maximum of their own work and keep it clean, especially your keyboard. To clean your desk can use wet wipes that contain alcohol. Because the alcohol content in it enough to effectively kill the bacteria.

September 19, 2009

Cell Phones - Tips for Better Pictures

Camera capabilities have become common on cell phones and, for some users, these camera phones are their only means of capturing and sharing images. Certainly, the camera within a cell phone is readily available and portable, making them a good option for more spontaneous photography. In addition, they are less conspicuous than all but the more compact stand alone digital cameras, allowing users to take more candid shots easily.

Cell phone cameras also have a reputation for their limitations however. From slower shutter speeds that make blurry pictures likely, lack of manual control to adjust exposure, white balance, focus, and so forth, to the common lack of high quality lenses, CMOS sensors, and the megapixels necessary for sharp images, the average camera phone often doesn't compete well with stand alone digital cameras for producing high quality images for print.

With recent advancements in the design of cell phone cameras however, consumers can now find devices that are capable of creating far better images, even in the printed form. By choosing the right camera phone and employing a few basic photographic techniques, the images users create are usually quite acceptable.

For users who want to be able to print sharp, detailed 5x7 images, there are a few things to consider when making a camera phone purchase:

• Get better resolution. Until recently a 1.3 megapixel camera was the best available. Now cell phones that offer a camera with a CMOS sensor and 3 megapixels, or more, are available.

• Get a higher quality lens, and protect it. Some cell phone cameras offer better lenses; a Carl Zeiss lens for instance is highly regarded. Getting a lens cover to protect the lens from scratches, dirt, and dust can be important too; cell phones are often thrown into situations and locations that put them at risk for damage.

• Get features to reduce camera shake. Cell phones are small, thus more difficult to hold steady. Slower shutter speeds further exacerbate the need for a very steady hand. A camera with optical image stabilization can help to reduce blurriness and one that the user can securely grip is a bonus as well.

• Get optical zoom. Many cell phone cameras offer digital zoom. Better cameras offer optical zoom. When photographers can't step close to a subject, optical zoom is the answer without reducing image quality.

• Get features that allow some manual control. Great photographs often require photographers to adjust exposure, white balance, and focus. At a minimum, a user should have the option of turning off the flash.

• Get an LCD that helps in framing the scene that is to be photographed. A screen with a large viewing area is important in setting up shots. Good viewability should be checked, especially in sunlight. Potential buyers should pick the cell phone up and try framing a few shots indoors, and outdoors if possible.

Once a good camera phone is in hand, users then need to heed a few critical photographic rules that are particularly pertinent when shooting with small cell phone devices:

• Use high resolution settings on the camera phone in case prints are desired later; prints require higher resolution than sharing images on a screen.

• Keep the camera steady. Try holding the cell phone with both hands, bracing arms/elbows against the body. Try bracing against a doorway, a tree, a table, and so forth for added stability. It can also be useful to remain stationary for a few seconds after pressing the button to assure that the camera has completed the process of capturing the image.

• Get close to the subject. Camera phones are better at capturing nearby subjects rather than landscapes and such. Avoid using digital zoom.

• Keep the lens clean. Cell phones, as noted before, tend to be tossed around and accumulate a lot of fingerprints, dirt, and scratches without extra care.

• Lighting is critical as in all photography. Camera phones are better adapted for outdoor use in general. Avoid backlighting subjects; side lighting is generally best.

Cell phone cameras are improving and, although not yet competitive with most stand alone digital cameras, are capable of producing very acceptable images for the average user. For those who value the photographic ability of their cell phone, good options are available if they know how to make the right choice and are able to compensate for their limitations with good photographic techniques.
By: Christine Peppler

The Difficulties of RAID Data Recovery

Originally coined as a cheeky acronym to describe “a Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks” – a technique which allowed computer users to maximise the reliability of their data storage by using arrays of cheaper and less reliable PC-style disk-drives – “RAID” is now used as a general term for forms of data storage that divide and copy information across multiple hard disks.

The aim of RAID systems is to maximise either the input/output capacity of a storage system or the reliability of its data. However, the complexity of the system means that if data loss occurs, recovering the data is all the more tricky. RAID data recovery is, therefore, a serious business, and experts in data recovery treat information losses in servers or RAID systems as their highest priority.

It is essential to discover whether the storage device in question is accessible to the specialised equipment at the technician’s lab, and so the first step towards RAID data recovery is diagnostic. If this reveals that the equipment is compatible, all available data is copied on to new media to allow the technician to analyse the exact nature of the problem – but if it is not possible to access all of the media using the lab’s equipment, the expert will then test the RAID components for possible physical damage.

RAID data recovery often means replacing any failed or broken components – such as electronics, read/write heads, head assemblies, magnets and drive motors – in a clean environment, which itself requires highly specialised hardware and software tools to build up a raw image of the data. Because of the array of separate disk-drives, technicians need to have specialist skills that allow them to determine both the exact layout of volumes which exist across multiple drives and what repairs to the system’s file structures are necessary to gain access to all the lost data.

As part of the RAID data recovery process, the technicians will usually “destripe” the multiple-drive servers and place them on to the lab’s own media to carry out repairs to the file system. If damage is severe then data needs to be directly extracted from fragments of the destriped image.

The expert programmers utilise a wide range of software tools to analyse, destripe, fix and recover data from raw image drives, which cover nearly all operating systems. Once the RAID data recovery has been achieved, the technicians create file lists and check the validity of the information they have recovered. by: Olivia A Wilson

September 8, 2009

Ways to Save Money on Printer Ink and Toner Cartridge Purchases

Do you want to cut your printing costs by up to 50%? There are many ways you can do this. Here are some tips to help you can started.

1. Buy Re-manufactured Cartridges - Purchasing re-manufactured cartridges will generally cost you less than purchasing new cartridges. Re-manufactured cartridges are printer cartridges that have been used at least once and then disassembled, cleaned and had worn parts replaced and refilled. Typically, remanufactured cartridges can save you from 30 to 50 percent off the price of new cartridges, or more.

2. Purchase refilled ink-jet cartridges or self-refill kits. These kits come with all the tools and instructions necessary to refill your own ink or toner cartridge. Purchasing these cartridges saves money and is good for the environment.

3. Buy in Bulk - You can save more money by purchasing printer cartridges in large quantities. You will save a lot more over the already discounted cost on new cartridges. If you frequently do a lot of printing you, can save even more by purchasing recycled or re-manufactured printer cartridges in bulk.

4. Purchase a compatible inkjet cartridge or toner cartridge. These are cartridges made from new parts and manufactured to OEM specifications for you exact printer. If you cannot find a compatible cartridge for your inkjet printer, you may want to consider remanufactured inkjet cartridges.

5. Buy ink and Refill your Cartridges whenever possible - Whether you’re printing documents, photos or web pages, refilling your empty printer cartridges can save you up to 50% compared with buying new. You don't have to spend a fortune on inkjet cartridges and printing costs.

There are many other ways to save money on printer cartridges, but shopping around before you buy can also make it easier to get the best value. When shopping around for the best prices on printer cartridges, use shopping bots (Froogle, Dealtime), bargain sites, Coupon sites and Auction sites (eBay). Shopping bots are essentially search engines for gathering prices for products from a variety of vendors. They allow you to quickly search for merchandise across a wide variety of sites. They are an effective way to quickly get a feel for the available deals. Bargain or Discount sites get excess merchandise from other retailers and sell the merchandise at bargain prices.
(Clive Chansa)

How to Clean a Printer

Does your printer have frequent paper jams? Does it put ink where ink shouldn't be? Is the outside of your printer dirty or covered with smudges? If so, it is time to clean your printer.

First, there are some general rules that apply to cleaning just about any electrical device. It is best to turn off the printer before cleaning it. Do not spray water or cleaner on or in the printer. Instead wet the rag with it and clean the printer with the rag.

Different types of printers require different cleaning methods. So if you can get your hands on cleaning instructions for your make and model of printer, do so and follow them. Unfortunately, many manufacturers only make that kind of information available to their licensed technicians. In that case, you are stuck with these instructions, so read on.

Open up your printer and take a look.

If you have an ink jet printer and there is an ink mess inside, clean it up with wet paper towels.

If you have a printer that uses toner either vacuum or blow it out. Some toner, especially color toner, can be harmful to you, so only use a vacuum with a micro-toner filter or blow and run. Figure out where the drum is (it is shiny and larger in diameter than the rollers) and do not touch or scratch it. If you do, the scratches will turn up as marks on every paper that you print and will require that you replace the drum (not a cheap option) to fix it.

Examine the path that the paper takes through the printer. Clean all of the rollers (but on a toner printer, not the drum or rollers near the drum and watch out for the rollers after the drum because they may be hot). It may take some disassembly and/or contorting of your arm to get to some of the rollers. Access is not always easy. The most important rollers to clean are the ones which pick up the paper from the paper bin and transfer it into the printer. If these rollers are dirty or bad, they will cause consistent paper jams.

The rollers are made of either hard plastic or rubber. All of the rollers can be cleaned with water or rubbing alcohol. If the rubber rollers have deposits that you can't get off, you can use harsher cleaners but be careful because those cleaners can damage the plastic rollers and parts.

To clean a roller, wipe across the roller with a wet rag, rotate the roller, and wipe again. Do this until you have worked your way all the way around the roller. Look at the rag. If it has been blackened by the roller, move to a clean part of the rag and clean the roller again.

Once everything is clean on the inside, close it up and clean the outside. Wipe off the case and each of the buttons or knobs. If there are staples or paper clips sitting on it or wedged in the cracks, remove them and throw them away.

Other areas of the printer can be cleaned but to do so, you will have to either get training and special tools or leave it to a trained professional.(Ray Geide)

September 5, 2009

Cheap Data Recovery Service - Physical vs. Logical Damage

If your hard drive is physically damaged, meaning that it has for example experienced an excessive shock, dropped to the floor, broken, short-circuited, fallen into the sea, etc. then it is likely that the computer BIOS (Basic Input Output System) may not be able to recognise it. A physical damage can be either electrical or mechanical in nature. In such cases, the drive must first be either repaired using spare parts, for instance, or it must be opened up in a specialised cleanroom (a dust free medium) where its magnetic content is copied to another disk by the aid of sophisticated laboratory equipment, after which data recovery may become possible.

A cleanroom is an environment, typically used in manufacturing or scientific research, as well as data recovery centres, that has a low level of environmental pollutants such as dust, airborne microbes, aerosol particles and chemical vapours. More accurately, a cleanroom has a controlled level of contamination that is specified by the number of particles per meter-cubed and by maximum particle size.

The air entering a cleanroom from outside is filtered to exclude dust, and the air inside is constantly re-circulated through high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) and ultra low penetration air (ULPA) filters to remove internally generated contaminants. Staff enter and leave through air locks (sometimes including an air shower stage), and wear protective clothing such as hats, face masks, boots and cover-alls. Equipment inside the cleanroom is designed to generate minimal air contamination. Common materials such as paper, pencils, and fabrics made from natural fibres are often excluded. Low-level cleanrooms are often not sterile (i.e., free of uncontrolled microbes) and more attention is given to airborne particles. Particle levels are usually tested using a particle counter.

Some cleanrooms are kept at a higher air pressure so that if there are any leaks, the air rushes outside. This is similar to the lower pressure used in biological hot zones to keep the microbes inside.

Maintenance of such laboratories is hence implicitly costly and companies running a cleanroom facility need to manage their budget so as to cover up these costs. Usually, this will be enforced upon the end user, i.e. customers.

Logical corruption, on the contrary can be catered for without the use of sophisticated laboratory equipment and can be done outside a cleanroom. Examples of logical damage to the media include:

  • Accidental formatting of Hard disk
  • Accidental Deletion of Data
  • Data Loss due to virus/spyware attacks
  • Boot & Partition Structure Corruption
  • Drive crashes
  • Human error
  • Backup failure
  • System boot error

Logical Data Recovery Centres, such as 'Data Recovery Console', utilise sophisticated software solutions making it ideal for your recovery requirements in terms of logically damaged disks as well as certain kinds of physical damages, such as development of hard drive bad sectors, in that they could charge you much less compared to any other recovery service. Other recovery companies need to charge extra amounts in order to cover their sophisticated laboratory's maintenance costs, a feature that is not necessary for many of their clients (about 70%). Companies such as Data Recovery Console simply won't carryout sophisticated laboratory work and concentrate on logically damaged disks, hence reducing the overall cost for you.

What ever the reason for your data loss, if your drive is recognised by the computer BIOS a logical data recovery specialist should be able to extract your data, given that you act promptly. So if you happen to be among the 70% of the people who are experiencing a logical data corruption, then look out for those logical data recovery centres who will charge you much less and avoid the high costs!

Source: Free Articles

Steps to Ensure Successful Data Recovery

We store a lot of information on hard drives are other storage devices that is very important to us. We can have important work files, personal work that could take months to re-do and precious family photos and videos. So when data loss occurs it is understandable that many people will panic when they don’t have a back up. It’s not the end of the world though, data can be recovered.

Take the following steps to ensure that you are able recover your important data. To avoid permanent data loss it is important you follow these guidelines:

1 If you hear strange whirring, grinding or clicking sounds, shut down your computer immediately. Severe or complete data loss could occur as the heads in the drive could be hitting the platters that store the data.

2 Take care and unplug the computer before removing the hard drive. You have to be very careful when handling the hard drive as physical jolts can cause damage and are sensitive to static electricity.

3 If your have critical data you want to recover then make sure you choose a well known recovery firm or one recommended from a friend or colleague. Even simple attempts to recover a physically damaged drive can end in making it completely impossible to recover data anymore.

Remember the first recovery attempt offers the best chance of recovery. If you have very important information, don’t take the risk, pay a professional so if there is a chance to recover the data; they will be able to do so.

When problems happen:

1 If it is possible, back up the data straight away

2 Don’t power up any device that has been making strange noises or clearly has physical damage

3 Don’t use utility software if the hard drive is making clicking, humming or tapping noises.

4 As soon as you notice any symptoms of hard drive damage shut down the computer immediately to avoid further damage.

5 Finally don’t attempt to recover the data yourself for severely damaged machines as the system will be very vulnerable, any attempts to recover can spell permanent data loss. Seek professional advice for data recovery.

September 1, 2009

Paper Shredders are the best for diverse sectors of businesses

Commercial paper shredders are a perfect solution to diverse sectors of an organization. Today banks, industries and manufacturing companies are enhancing their security by eliminating sensitive information and financial records. Shredding also results in minimization of storage space and cost through effective ways.

You can find commercial shredders in various design; most commercial shredders are designed to shred up to 80 sheets of paper at a time. These shredders are also capable of shredding staples, paper clips, CDs, floppy disks, and credit cards. Further categorized shredders are strip shredders and cross shredders. However strip shredders enhance quality benefits in stripping the papers in long strips, where as cross cut shredders cut the files into small chips, destroying them completely. Hence diverse needs are fulfilled with respect to business changing adaptive approach.

One can attain priority features from commercial shedders that can be applied or adopted in different sections in businesses work processes implementing different fields of interest.

The idealized feature benefits in includes auto start, stop and cleaning functions, in addition a proper waste storage area is exceptional in bringing accurate usage accordingly.

The top models in commercial shredders are formax FD8400; which is the finest in sleek and slim designs with durable usage and practical practices. Its features include metal cabinet, indicator to prevent paper jams and a storage section to handle waste, and other features available in range of cross cutting shredders. Another great feature of commercial shredder is that multiple sheets can be shredded into pieces through proper controls.

Another model brand name is FD 386.2 heavy-duty paper shredders; attain control benefits through high-speed performances. In addition 20800 EC computer form paper shredders give flexible benefits in fulfilling maximum payback through standard shredding needs; unique in terms of applicability in diverse platforms, hence implements value budget. It gives flexible usage irrespective of paper quality and material used.

Maintenance of shredders is very necessary. To protect your commercial paper shredding machine from dust, lubricating oil must be applied. Before purchasing commercial paper shredders, check whether the shredding shafts are constructed with steel to prevent damage caused by paper clips and staples.

Commercial shredders are ideal office equipment office use as well as homes, giving high security to confidential information, resulting in identifying theft and credit secrecy, which will then result in minimization of risk and cuts theft respectively.

Overall markets for commercial shredders are growing; high competition is seen in diverse segments on advanced commercial shredders at affordable range. Hence acts as exceptional mean to financial security in terms of diversified usage. In all the diverse benefits includes easy usage, durable controls, affordable price secured support and effective maintenance.

Solving Image Problems on Hp Laser Printers

There are several image related problems that can occur. If you want to save money and repair it yourself this article is for you. Read about the most common image related problems that HP Laser Printers have and how to resolve them.

Here are a few examples of image related problems:

Blank, Solid Black, Streaks, Double Images, Specks, Lines, Light Print, Dark Print, Blurred Image, Flaking / Rubs off

Cartridges: Most of these problems are related to the toner cartridge. If you don’t have another cartridge to test it you can diagnose the problem another way. Put a sheet of paper in tray 1. Run a configuration page with your hand on the power switch. When the page reaches midway, turn the power off. You may have to do this a couple more times to get the timing correct. Now that you have stopped the paper midway, carefully remove the cartridge and the paper from the machine. Inspect it to see if the problem exists before it reached the fuser. If it does then it is in the cartridge, or possibly it could be in the Laser or scanner assembly. If it does not, then you have a bad fuser assembly. Remove the fuser and inspect it.

Cartridge problems are the most common cause of image related problems. I find more problems with remanufactured cartridges because the manufacturer is not replacing certain major components that cause the defects. Make sure they replace the drum. Also, look for companies that are ISO 9002/14001 certified and STMC certified. This will help weed out the undesirable cartridges. To be honest, I have seen a lot of OEM cartridges fail. Cartridges fail for several reasons, such as foreign objects getting up into the cartridge causing lines, streaks and leaking. This can be resolved by being careful not to remove staple or paper clips in and around machine. You should also have your machine cleaned. Vacuuming all of the paper and toner dust can help decrease this. Remember to only use a service vacuum that can handle the tiny particle size of toner.

Printing a Configuration page: You will always need to print a configuration page, and here are some reasons.

Image quality test, Page count, Serial number of machine, Configuration of printer, The last few errors, Jet Direct print server card is installed, Many others…

Here are a few directions on how to print out a configuration page.

If you don’t see your model scroll through the menu on your printer and it should be easy to find.

HP LJ-4000/4050/4100

1 Press [Menu] until INFORMATION MENU appears.

2 Press [Item] until PRINT CONFIGURATION appears.

3 Press [Select] to print the Configuration Page.

HP LJ-4200/4250/4300/4350

1 Press (SELECT button) or the MENU button to open the menus.

2 Use (UP ARROW button) or (DOWN ARROW button) to scroll to INFORMATION, and then press the Check button (Select)

3 Use or to scroll to PRINT CONFIGURATION, and then press the check button.

HP LJ-8000/8100/8150

1 Press MENU until INFORMATION MENU appears.

2 Press ITEM until PRINT CONFIGURATION appears.

3 Press SELECT to print the configuration pages.

Image problems caused by the Fuser Assembly: Symptoms are, toner not fusing, streaking, double imaging.

Note: The 4200 series had a problem with the film getting ripped. You will see strands of plastic pieces coming out of the exit area. It will cause as an image defect, streaking and double imaging.

Diagnose: You can diagnose it by running a configuration page. Rub on the print. Is it flakey? Does the print rub off easy? If it does, it is probably the fuser. Remove and inspect it. You can inspect the film or roller. If you see any damage replacement is necessary.

Note: Most fusers on HP Laser Printers are very easy to remove. If you need instructions on how to remove and install them, I have maintenance kit installation procedures on my website on the front page. Look under customer menus.

Solution – The fuser is replaced as an assembly. Remove and replace Fuser Assembly

WARNING! Let the Fuser Assembly cool before disassembly.

Regarding Light Prints:

If you have replaced your cartridge and you still have light prints or if you have light print over the entire page, you may have economy mode on. Go to quality menu and turn off. I would also try the transfer roller. This is also easy to replace, look in Maintenance kit installation procedure.

One last thing: If you have tried all of the above, there could be another problem. This procedure can be difficult for the average person to repair. It is cleaning the scanner or laser unit. If you are in a very dusty environment the mirror inside this assembly may be dirty. When the mirrors accumulate dust on them the image defect is light prints. I go into detail on cleaning the HP LJ-4000 scanner on another article I have. If you would like, you can go to my website in my article section and check it out.

I hope this article has helped you save some of your hard earned money. There really is no reason to spend money when you can just clean it yourself!