July 8, 2009

Make old photo with photoshop

  1. click image> mode> grayscale
  2. click the Elliptical Marque Tool set 10px (usually foto2 old black pinggir2nya) after that create the image circle ditengah2
  3. click select> inverse
  4. click image> adjustment> brightness / contrast -50 enter the number on the brightnes
  5. press Ctrl + D
  6. click filter> Noise> Add Noise content 12.5 in amount, distribution, uniform
  7. make new layer, layer> new layer
  8. press D to restore the default colors of black and white
  9. edit> fill bacground a white color
  10. click filter> texture> grain enter the intensity: 92 Contrast: 50 Vertical
  11. remove a part of the outline page creation Eraser according loe
  12. change the Blending mode to multiply
  13. the end of the color change so kekuning2kuningan
  14. click image> mode> RGB> flatten
  15. click image> adjustment> hue / saturation, click colorize checked st hue: 59 saturation: 36 Lightness: 0